T SAKHI: Letters From Beirut Sends a Message of Hope

T Sakhi Letters from beirut

T SAKHI’s Letters From Beirut, a wall covered with 2000 letters, aims to spread a messages of hope from the Lebanese survivors to people all over the world.

Venice biennale urban installation letters from Beirut


For this years Biennale, T SAKHI designed an installation consisting of a 6 meter mesh wall and pouches. Pouches made from hand-woven linen, cover the entire mesh structure. Inside each one there is a piece of paper as well as a seed. The papers are actually letters written by the people of Beirut.

The visitors will take the pouches home one by one, thus spreading the thoughts of thousands of Lebanese people around the world. Eventually the wall will once again become a see through mesh structure so as to remind us of the importance of hope and humanity.

“The installation aims to transgress space and time through the lives of other people and provokes a sensorial and evocative experience. As the letters continue a life of their own in the homes of these strangers, who knows in what corner of the world they might end up, or for how long they will be kept!”



Each woven envelope holds a seed. The seed, a symbol of rebirth, undoubtedly spreads the message of growth. Equally important are the types of seeds placed inside. Therefore one can find seeds used in Lebanese cuisine: Coriander, Zucchini and Green beans.


Irthi Contemporary Craft Council has donated handcrafted pouches for the cause. They are made from recycled felt stitches and lined in linen. Irthi is an organization that represents both traditional and modern crafts across the MENASEA and Central Asia regions. Their goal is to empower women professionally and socially.


The papers are also a handmade product. Made from a combination of recycled paper, water and other materials. Mariam Abdulkarim, Amal Al Hammadi and Zainab Adel are the ones behind it.


T SKHI is a Beirut and Venice based practice founded in 2016 by Lebanese-Polish sisters Tessa and Tara Sakhi. Their work ranges from architecture projects, design projects to filmmaking and scenography. They have been nominated for awards in China, Milan and Berlin and published worldwide.

Tessa and Tara Sakhi
Photo by Tony Elieh, Pulse, © T SAKHI